Journey Framework: Recognizing opportunity

As we progress in our journey towards being the best we can be, it is important to recognize the opportunities for improvement along the way, even in the midst of difficult situations.

It is important that we must not fear difficult and challenging situations along our path, rather fear the absence of them. It is actually in the midst of those difficult situations that we are given the opportunity to grow . Not to grow, is to stagnate.

When we observe life, you see that life is about movement, evolution, constant change, even to the extreme of adapt or die. So, with regard to personal growth, life does not stand still and as such provides us with an inherent “evolutionary tension”. This ensures continuous growth in our being with respect to our relationships and attitudes as well as in our ability to forgive others and subsequently ourselves.

So, those difficult situations brings forth this “evolutionary tension” for growth. It is our call to see this as an opportunity to respond in the appropriate way; embrace those difficult situations in the belief that this is a gift from life, giving you the opportunity to exercise your being at your best with joy, there and then.

As always ... it remains your choice.

Copyright © : Dirk JO Devis – Frontier Coaching - 2012

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